
Web Accessibility London mini-conference (a11yLDN’12) is organised on a voluntary basis basis. It is led by Makayla Lewis, the group includes: Graham Armfield and Jim O’Donnell.

Photo of Makayla Lewis

Makayla Lewis has completed a PhD in Human-Computer Interaction at City University London Centre for HCI Design. She was funded by EPRSC to research online social network experiences and challenges from a perspective of end users with motor impairments esp. cerebral palsy. She is now a remote Research Assistant in Usability and Accessibility at University of Southampton and a Researcher at City University London funded by University of Oxford. Her passion for her research is due to a personal connection to disability. As a primary carer for a parent with cerebral palsy, a volunteer at ULO’s directed at young adults with disabilities and a British Sign Language learner, she believes that the web should be available for all. Twitter: @maccymacx | Blog:

Photo of Graham Armfield

Graham Armfield is a freelance web developer and accessibility consultant. He believes that the web should be for everyone and has many years experience in building accessible websites for large corporates and small businesses. His company is called Coolfields Consulting and their website is: | Twitter: @coolfields


Portrait of Jim O'Donnell, wearing glasses and a red shirt.

Jim O’Donnell has been a web developer at the Royal Observatory Greenwich and National Maritime Museum for 12 years. He is interested in the web as a tool for learning and communication, and passionate about building web sites that are accessible for all. Blog:  Eat Your Greens! | Twitter: @pekingspring