
Public announcement:

It is with greatest regret to announce Web Accessibility London 2013 (a11yLDN) has been cancelled. Due to high ticket cancellations within the last 4 days, we feel it inappropriate for us to ask our presenters, who have put the greatest time and effort into their talks, to present to such low audience numbers. We have tried our very best to resolve the situation to no avail. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused, however we see no alternative but to cancel Web Accessibility London 2013 (a11yLDN) and reassess its value and requirement within London’s web accessibility community.


a11yLDN organisers.


2 thoughts on “Home

  1. I have a blog and done quite a few reviews of equipment I use.

    I use an iMac with Joystick plus and Keystrokes word prediction and abbreviation-expansion.


    I also use Lightwriter SL40 and Proloquo2go on ipad for speech, you can also find reviews of those in my blogs as well as general accessibility on iPad for people with fine motor difficulties.

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