09:30AM Registration (DLG03/DLG08)
10:00AM Introduction and House Keeping (DLG03/DLG08) – Dr. Makayla Lewis, City University London
Slot One (10:15AM – 11:00PM):
(DLG03/DLG08) KEYNOTE “The Future is Deaf” – Alison Smith, PeskyPeople.
Slot Two (11:15AM – 12:05PM):
(DLG03/DLG08) “HTML CodeSniffer” – David Letorey, Squiz .
(DLG02) “User Experience and Accessibility for Mobile Apps and Sites” – Sophie Freiermuth, Principal User Experience Consultant in London
(DLG09) “Tools for Creating Captions for YouTube Videos” – Graham Armfield, Coolfields
Slot Three (12:05AM – 1:00PM): LUNCH*
(DLG03/DLG08) Screening of “Don’t Leave Me Out! with English Subtitles” – CCAC Captioning
(DLG03/DLG08) Screening of “10 tips for accessible Web design” – Raj Lal, Nokia
*Note: lunch will NOT be provided, however guided visits to Islington’s Exmouth Food Market will be available.
Slot Four (1:00PM – 1:50PM):
(DLG03/DLG08) “Building and Testing Apps with Apple iOS” – Jon Gibbins, Web Developer and Accessibility Geek.
(DLG02) “Accessibility Myths” – Dr Jonathan Hassell, Hassell Inclusion.
(DLG09) “Game Accessibility Guidelines” – Ian Hamilton.
Slot Five (2:00PM – 2:50PM):
(DLG03/DLG08) “Making videos more accessible to the deaf and the hard-of-hearing” – Olivier Nourry, Qelios.
(DLG02) “Sensory and auditory processing and cognitive accessibility” – Jamie Knight, BBC.
(DLG09) “OU Media Player – consistent, accessible HTML5 multimedia?” – Nicholas Freear, Open University (Institute of Educational Technology).
Slot Six (3:00PM – 4:15PM): Lightning Talks
(DLG03/DLG08) “Apple iOS: more than meets the eye” – Jon Gibbins, Web Developer and Accessibility Geek
(DLG03/DLG08) “Designing a language free technology – lessons from the GReAT project” – Abi Roper, City University London
(DLG03/DLG08) “Closed Captioning in Flash: A quick demo” – Kiran Kaja, Adobe Systems Europe
(DLG03/DLG08) “The Digital Void” – John Galloway
(DLG03/DLG08) “So Accessibility is important, now what?” – Julian Harty
Slot Seven (4.15PM – 4.20PM): Closing note (DLG03/DLG08) – Alison Smith (PeskyPeople) and Dr. Makayla Lewis (City University London)
4.20PM – END
Note: this schedule is subject to change.
Presentation blurbs that accompany each talk can be found at http://a11yldn.org.uk/2012/09/presentationblurbs.html
Suggested Topics
The suggested topics for the mini-conference include (but are not limited to):
- What is accessibility and what are its benefits?
- Exploring the current state of accessibility, such as:
- Challenges
- Potential improvements
- Understanding and using new/existing accessibility standards, guidelines or resources
- Understanding emerging issues in accessibility, such as:
- Mobile devices including Apps
- Touch interfaces
- Social media and communication
- Gaming
- Entertainment including TV
- Web utilities e.g. banking
- Current front end web development trends
- Content management systems (CMS)
- User experience (UX)
- Human-computer interaction (HCI)
- Creativity
- New and emerging assistive technology, such as:
- Apps
- Touch interfaces
- Adapted input devices
- Screen readers
- Alternative and augmented communication (AAC)
- How to make specific technology accessible, such as:
- Videos in Flash and HTML 5
- PDF form development
- The future of accessibility (where do we go from here?)
- Case study: how to consider accessibility from a deaf and hard of hearing perspective
- Question and answer web accessibility surgery