
09:30AM Registration (DLG03/DLG08)

10:00AM Introduction and House Keeping (DLG03/DLG08) – Dr. Makayla Lewis, City University London

Slot One (10:15AM – 11:00PM):

(DLG03/DLG08) KEYNOTE “The Future is Deaf” – Alison Smith, PeskyPeople.

Slot Two (11:15AM – 12:05PM):

(DLG03/DLG08) “HTML CodeSniffer” – David Letorey, Squiz .

(DLG02) “User Experience and Accessibility for Mobile Apps and Sites” – Sophie Freiermuth, Principal User Experience Consultant in London

(DLG09) “Tools for Creating Captions for YouTube Videos” – Graham Armfield, Coolfields

Slot Three (12:05AM – 1:00PM): LUNCH*

(DLG03/DLG08) Screening of “Don’t Leave Me Out! with English Subtitles” – CCAC Captioning

(DLG03/DLG08) Screening of “10 tips for accessible Web design” – Raj Lal, Nokia

*Note: lunch will NOT be provided, however guided visits to Islington’s Exmouth Food Market will be available.

Slot Four (1:00PM – 1:50PM):

(DLG03/DLG08) “Building and Testing Apps with Apple iOS” – Jon Gibbins, Web Developer and Accessibility Geek.

(DLG02) “Accessibility Myths” – Dr Jonathan Hassell, Hassell Inclusion.

(DLG09) “Game Accessibility Guidelines” – Ian Hamilton.

Slot Five (2:00PM – 2:50PM):

(DLG03/DLG08) “Making videos more accessible to the deaf and the hard-of-hearing” – Olivier Nourry, Qelios.

(DLG02) “Sensory and auditory processing and cognitive accessibility” – Jamie Knight, BBC.

(DLG09) “OU Media Player – consistent, accessible HTML5 multimedia?” – Nicholas Freear, Open University (Institute of Educational Technology).

Slot Six (3:00PM – 4:15PM): Lightning Talks

(DLG03/DLG08)  “Apple iOS: more than meets the eye” – Jon Gibbins, Web Developer and Accessibility Geek

(DLG03/DLG08) “Designing a language free technology – lessons from the GReAT project” – Abi Roper, City University London

(DLG03/DLG08) “Closed Captioning in Flash: A quick demo” – Kiran Kaja, Adobe Systems Europe

(DLG03/DLG08) “The Digital Void” – John Galloway

(DLG03/DLG08) “So Accessibility is important, now what?” – Julian Harty

Slot Seven (4.15PM – 4.20PM): Closing note (DLG03/DLG08) – Alison Smith (PeskyPeople) and Dr. Makayla Lewis (City University London)

4.20PM – END

Note: this schedule is subject to change.

Presentation blurbs that accompany each talk can be found at

Suggested Topics

The suggested topics for the mini-conference include (but are not limited to):

  1. What is accessibility and what are its benefits?
  2. Exploring the current state of accessibility, such as:
    1. Challenges
    2. Potential improvements
  3. Understanding and using new/existing accessibility standards, guidelines or resources
  4. Understanding emerging issues in accessibility, such as:
    1. Mobile devices including Apps
    2. Touch interfaces
    3. Social media and communication
    4. Gaming
    5. Entertainment including TV
    6. Web utilities e.g. banking
    7. Current front end web development trends
    8. Content management systems (CMS)
    9. User experience (UX)
    10. Human-computer interaction (HCI)
    11. Creativity
  5. New and emerging assistive technology, such as:
    1. Apps
    2. Touch interfaces
    3. Adapted input devices
    4. Screen readers
    5. Alternative and augmented communication (AAC)
  6. How to make specific technology accessible, such as:
    1. Videos in Flash and HTML 5
    2. PDF form development
  7. The future of accessibility (where do we go from here?)
  8. Case study: how to consider accessibility from a deaf and hard of hearing perspective
  9. Question and answer web accessibility surgery