The Web Accessibility London 2012 mini-conference (a11yLDN) is a one day event that will take place at City University London (College Building) on 19th September 2012 (10am to 4pm) and will be organised on a voluntary basis.
The unconference will have a deaf and hard-of-hearing theme, as it is believed they are a widely under-represented population within web accessibility. However, the unconference will also consider the wider disability population.
The event will be structured with short presentations that have ‘longer’ discussions, i.e. a place for people to learn from each other. Workshops will be also offered to give attendees the opportunity to try out existing, new and emerging assistive technology.
It will be directed at end-users, web designers and developers (web accessibility and user experience), editors and authors, accessibility specialists, universities and companies, charities and more specifically the movers and shakers of web accessibility.
So come along and find out what’s happening in web accessibility.