
Photo of Makayla Lewis

Makayla Lewis is currently a post-doctoral research assistant on the Cyber Security Cartographies (CySeCa) project at Royal Holloway University of London Information Security Group. She completed a PhD in Human-Computer Interaction at City University London Centre for HCI Design. She was funded by EPRSC to research online social network experiences and challenges from a perspective of end users with motor impairments esp. cerebral palsy. Her passion for her research is due to a personal connection to disability. As a primary carer for a parent with cerebral palsy, a volunteer at ULO’s directed at young adults with disabilities and a British Sign Language learner, she believes that the web should be available for all. Twitter: @maccymacx | Blog:

Portrait of Jim O'Donnell, wearing glasses and a red shirt.

Jim O’Donnell is currently a Front End Developer on The Zooniverse at Oxford University. He has been a web developer at the Royal Observatory Greenwich and National Maritime Museum for 12 years. He is interested in the web as a tool for learning and communication, and passionate about building web sites that are accessible for all. Blog:  Eat Your Greens!  | Twitter: @pekingspring

Please note that Makayla and Jim organise  a11yLDN on a voluntary basis.